(当シリーズは、妥当性のある完成した言語学の理論やその研究等とは一切関係なく、単に「定義に書かれている違い」からポイントをチェックしつつ、個人的な図解をシェアするものです。故に、言い切りに近い形は「正しい」ことではなく「自分の中で確信している度合いが高い」ことを意味します。あしからず。主に「Cambridge Dictionary」「Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary」「ONLINE ETYMOLOGY DICTIONARY」を参考に作成しております。辞書からの引用の詳細は、記事の最後にあります。)
今回は「because と since と as と for」です。
■ “because”の定義
・ for the reason that:
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・ : for the reason that : SINCE
・ : the fact that : THAT
・ You use because when stating the reason for something.
・ You use because when stating the explanation for a statement you have just made.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
■ “since”の定義
・ because; as:
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・ : in view of the fact that : BECAUSE
・ You use since to introduce reasons or explanations.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
■ “as”の定義
・ because:
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・ : for the reason that : BECAUSE, SINCE
・ You can use as to mean ‘because’ when you are explaining the reason for something.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
■ “for”の定義
・ because; as:
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・ : for the reason that : on this ground : BECAUSE
・ You can use for to introduce a clause which gives the reason why you made the statement in the main clause.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
今回はイメージ・イラストを諦めて、FAQ的に 4つの「〜だから」の違いをチェックしていきましょう!
・We can’t go to Julia’s party because we’re going away that weekend.
(例文引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
つまり、becauseは最も一般的な「〜だから」でありつつ、新情報(相手が知らなかった情報)を伝えるので、主節の後に述べられる=重きを置かれるという原則。句動詞でも「look it up」と代名詞が間にきたりするように、英語では「旧情報は先、新情報は後」というノリがあります。
・Just because I’m lending you my dress for tonight doesn’t mean you can borrow it whenever you want to.
(例文引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
↑becauseは、こうして「just」とか「simply」「only」みたいなニュアンスで修飾できるということもポイントですね。と同時に、”Just because・・・(, it )doesn’t mean (that)〜〜“からの「〜だからと言って」なパターンです。
・”Why did you do it?” “Because Carlos told me to”.
(例文引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
↑普段使いでは気楽に、becauseの節だけで答えるのもアリアリですね。cos、coz、cuz、cuzみたいに省略した発音、表記にも出会いまくるでしょう!(Why〜?の答えに since、as、forは不可)
・Where’ve you been, because (= the reason I am asking is that) we haven’t seen you recently?
(例文引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
(・・・・・というか「シャワー浴びるわ。暑いし。」みたいに、そもそも becauseナシでも良いんだというのも、肝に命じておきたいですね。)
・It is because 〜 that 〜.
・Since you’ve asked, I’ll tell you what I really think.
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・Since she did not make enough money to live in her own house, she went back to live with her mother.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
・As it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
“because”には “cause(原因、引き起こす)”が入っている一方で、”since”には「〜以来」という使い方、”as”には「〜のように」「〜につれて」と色々な使い方があることを考えると、然もありなんといったところですね!
・She remained silent, for her heart was heavy and her spirits low.
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・He had a great desire to have a home of his own for he had always lived with my grandmother.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
■ “for”の定義
・ because; as:
(引用:Cambridge Dictionary)
・ : for the reason that : on this ground : BECAUSE
・ You can use for to introduce a clause which gives the reason why you made the statement in the main clause.
(引用:Collins Dictionary)
以上。「理由(原因)」という観点から見た時の強さは「because >>>> since > as」であると言えるので、とりあえず・・・・・
(”for”は普通に「for the reason」とか、前置詞で使ってあげましょう。)
本記事には、Cambridge DictionaryおよびMerriam-Webster.com DictionaryおよびCollins English Dictionaryからの、定義又は例文の引用が含まれます。
- “Because.” Cambridge dictionary, Cambridge University Press, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/because. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “Since.” Cambridge dictionary, Cambridge University Press, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/since. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “As.” Cambridge dictionary, Cambridge University Press, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/as. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “For.” Cambridge dictionary, Cambridge University Press, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/for. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “Because.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/because. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “Since.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/since. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “As.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/as. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “For.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/for. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “Because.” Collins English dictionary, Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/because. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “Since.” Collins English dictionary, Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/since. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “As.” Collins English dictionary, Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/as. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.
- “For.” Collins English dictionary, Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/for. Accessed 27 Mar. 2019.